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Psychotherapy For Women

Are you a woman who seems to have it all together but you actually feel very discontent? Do you struggle with low self-esteem, depression, or anxiety? Do you have difficulties prioritizing self-care including boundary setting? Perhaps you recognize unhealthy patterns that you want to change such as attraction to unwell partners, staying in jobs that don’t bring you joy, or taking on more responsibility even though you are already overwhelmed? Are you a college-aged woman who feels overwhelmed by academic stress and the responsibilities of being a young adult? These are just some of the problems I help women resolve in psychotherapy.

Being a woman brings a unique set of challenges that can impact mental health. Individualized therapy can help with often seen difficulties amongst women including:

  • depression and anxiety
  • difficulties coping with stress and pressure
  • insufficient boundaries and assertivness skills including learning to say no, set limits, communicate your needs, and prioritize self-care
  • relationship problems including identifying unhealthy relationship patterns, developing healthier strategies for building and maintaining satisfying relationships, and learning conflict resolution skills 
  • difficulties navigating life transitions such as divorce, promotions, becoming a parent, relocation, and more
  • a desire for personal growth and development

I myself am a woman so I know all too well how challenging life can be. When life gets hard, it’s ok to ask for help! Strong women need therapy too!

Telehealth available for eligible patients. Contact me now to inquire about availability and to see if we’re a good fit for one another.

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