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  • Empowering Women Through Psychotherapy

    We all know an empowered woman when we see one. She confident and kind, ambitious and assertive. She is giving but knows her limits. She stands up for what she believes in, including equality, and she advocates for others. She’s a freaking unicorn! Or is she? Are you interested in becoming more empowered? Psychotherapy can help. 

    10 Ways Psychotherapy Can Empower Women

    Empowered women are assertive. Psychotherapy can teach you how to set healthy boundaries, to say no unapologetically, and to make and refuse requests confidently.

    Empowered women prioritize self-care. Psychotherapy can help you identify your unique needs (bubble baths aren’t for everyone) and take steps to get those needs met in order to prevent burnout, increase efficiency, and improve mental health and overall functioning.

    Empowered women are self-aware. Psychotherapy will guide you through the process of exploring your thoughts and behavior patterns in order to develop insight. Self-awareness is necessary to discovering your specific life’s purpose and living authentically. Furthermore, insight helps you understand why you do the things you do and, therefore, how to make internal changes.

    Empowered women are constantly growing through learning and goal achievement. Psychotherapy can help you identify ways to grow and develop each day. Whether learning from mistakes or learning a new skill, psychotherapy helps you grow and stay accountable to your goals.

    Empowered women are capable and confident. They have good self-esteem. Psychotherapy can help you identify and build on your strengths, core beliefs, and value systems and use these assets to be successful.

    Empowered women have coping skills to deal with life’s adversities. Empowered women are not insulated from problems or pain but they have the tools to manage their difficulties. Psychotherapy can teach you coping skills to manage depression and anxiety. You can learn stress management skills and techniques to improve interpersonal relationships. You can develop strong and healthy decision-making skills and effective communication skills.

    Empowered women are aware of the power of their thoughts so they keep things in perspective. Psychotherapy, specifically Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, teaches you to identify errors in your thinking (errors that are causing emotional distress and preventing you from reaching your full potential) and techniques to correct these errors. Empowered women see failure as part of success. They view challenge as opportunities to grow. They recognize irrational thinking, such as catastrophizing, as unlikely or inaccurate.

    Empowered women are resilient. They are not protected from mistakes and disappointment, but they recover quickly and handle difficulties in ways that foster growth and strength. Psychotherapy can help you move from being overwhelmed, from dwelling on the problem to proactively problem-solving.

    Empowered women are kind to themselves, in action and in thought. Psychotherapy teaches you (and a strong therapist will model for you) that you can be kind and driven at the same time. You’ll learn to recognize and correct your own negative self-talk and come to believe that you deserve the same kindness, compassion, and love that you give to others.

    Empowered women empower women. Empowered women know that empowerment must happen on an individual level and collectively. Psychotherapy helps you develop confidence so that you don’t seek to compete or compare but instead lift up other women. Psychotherapy teaches you how to use your empathy and caring in a productive way rather than allowing it to lead to burn out. You will learn that vulnerability (i.e., sharing your struggles with others) can help you bond with and develop meaningful relationships with other women.

    Yes, empowered women are a special breed but not so unique that you, too, can’t be one. Don’t let their confidence fool you. Their lives aren’t perfect or without struggles. They experience anxiety, sadness, and self-doubt just like you do. But they don’t get stuck in the suffering. Yes, they feel pain, but then they look for solutions, support, or a new direction. 

    Start with small steps. Perhaps work with a therapist to improve your assertiveness skills or find an accountability partner and commit to daily activities of self-care. Join a women’s group and surround yourself with empowered women. Remember, small steps add up to big change. 

    If you’re interested in becoming an empowered woman through psychotherapy, contact Dr. Beverly Pedroche. 

    Author: Dr. Beverly Pedroche